You may have stumbled upon Unicorn Feed & Supply from Instagram, Facebook, TV, our website, or from a friend, but do you know how we got started?
I get asked ALL THE TIME, and I am always happy to share!
It all started with my childhood sticker collection, which I still have! It is a piece of nostalgia that brings back the flood of childhood’s best memories. The magic. The sparkle. The little jolt of joy and amusement no matter what else is going on.
My childhood sticker collection featuring a rainbow sticker from Mrs. Grossman's.
When asked by a friend what was so special about my sticker collection, my response was “It feeds my happy place.” It was from that simple concept of “feeding one’s happy place,” (which we also call your “Unicorn”) that I’ve built this store in a town I absolutely adore.
People continue to come from far and wide to visit what some have called “the shop that makes dreams come true.”
I feel like our Unicorns (that happy, magical place that lives within each of us) are in need of being fed now more than ever. Joy can be hard to find during difficult times, but is still there, and so are we.